Clean energy with intelligence
TREE Energy is an independent consultancy company, which works closely to wind energy developers, providing support and guidance for maximizing the return of investment and quantifying the risks involved on a given Power Purchase Agreement.

Monthly probabilities and stochastic analysis

CFD modelling

Blockage + wake modelling

Monthly probabilities and stochastic analysis

Energy Assessment
Complete energy assessment on both solar and wind (onshore and offshore) projects. We use state-of-the-art wind resource and interference models to deliver accurate energy estimations and its variability.
Due Diligence
If your company is considering investment on renewable energy projects, together with our partners we can support the valuation of the projects in order to identify and quantify the risks involved in the operation.

Environmental Analysis
As part of wind farm developmet, the environmental impacts such as noise emission, shadow flicker and visual impact are assessed according to local regulations, or in the lack of that, according to IFC guidelines.
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